September-October Newsletter
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
September and October proved to be busy months as well as July and August. The Lord continued to move and open up opportunities for us to minister.
We started in revival at Becker Baptist Church in Becker, MS on September 8-11. Their pastor is Bro. Jason Green. His mother, Faith Green, is the reason Becky and I are together. Bro. Jason invited us to lead the worship portion of the services and different speakers to speak at each service. The speakers for the week were, Dr. Kenny Digby, Bro. Robert Parrish, Bro. Jason Middleton, Bro. Jimmy Pender and Dr. Ronald Meeks. Each speaker preached some powerful messages. It was a great week and wonderful time of fellowship with the good folks of Becker.
Two weeks later we were at First Baptist Church in Eupora, MS on September 22-25. Their worship leader, John Herring, asked us to lead worship that week. Bro. Travis Gray is their pastor. The guest speaker for the week was Dr. Doug Broome from Natchez, MS. It had been at least 15 years since we last heard him speak. He preached some powerful messages that week.
September 29-October 2 we were at New Hope Baptist Church near Kosciusko, MS. Bro. Terrell Mayo is their pastor. We had a great time ministering with guest speaker, Bro. Junior Davis.
The next day, October 3, we presented a mini concert at First Baptist Church in Grenada, MS for their Senior Adult Luncheon. We appreciate Nancy Dinkelacker for inviting us to be with them that day.
On October 6-9, we were at New Montpelier Baptist leading worship for their annual revival. This was our tenth year to be them. Bro. Jerry King continues to pastor there. It’s always a pleasure to work with Evangelist Wayne Hudson. We are already looking forward to being back at Montpelier next year.
We traveled to Tupelo, MS on October 13 to Macedonia Baptist Church for a harvest day event. Bro. Todd Bowen pastors there. It was a great day with Evangelist Gary Bowlin. There were five professions of faith that day at a church that truly seemed revived.
Our last event for the month was near New Hebron, MS at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church on October 20. We led worship for the morning worship service and presented a concert that afternoon following the fellowship luncheon. Their pastor is Bro. Ken Boyette. We have had many opportunities to work with Bro. Ken in the past. So it was good to reconnect with him and his wife, Anne. It was good to hear him preach once again.
Thank you always for your prayers. We truly appreciate your interest and support of One Way Ministries.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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