March-June Newsletter
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
Well as you can tell, I am late getting this newsletter out once again. The last three months have been a blur. When the ministry slows down, our lives pick up. There have been so much going on at work and our personal lives. The kids are getting busier. Our lives just don’t seem to be slowing down for anything.
We started March out, at one of our regular revivals we do every year, at Corinth Baptist Church near Purvis, MS where Bro. Brad Ford pastors. The evangelist was Bro. Scotty McDowell. If you’ve been keeping up with us for years you will know that Bro. Scotty is a chalk artist and incredible preacher. The revival was March 3-6. Once again Becky and I celebrated our anniversary with the sweet folks of Corinth Baptist. We celebrated 24 years together on March 4.
On March 12 we had the opportunity to present a concert for the senior adults at Meadowview Baptist Church in Starkville, MS. Shannon Jones invited us to be a part of their Senior Adult Luncheon. They have a sweet fellowship there. Our children even sang a few songs that day. They are always a blessing when they use their talent to glorify the Lord.
Our next revival was at Evergreen Baptist Church in Louisville, MS on March 17-22. This was one of those rare week long revivals and praise God for it. On Thursday, their pastor, Bro. Jimmy Pender was saved along with his son, Waylon. The guest speaker was Bro. Jason Green, pastor of Becker Baptist Church. This was a first for us, with the pastor getting saved and a baptism taking place on the final night of revival. What an incredible way to end a great week of revival.
Bro. Paul Trosper, pastor of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church in Meridian, MS invited us to lead in worship at their revival on March 24-27. The guest speaker for the week was Bro. Bill Webb. It was good to work with him once again. This was our first opportunity to minister at Mt. Vernon and trust it won’t be our last. We enjoyed getting to know the folks there.
Our last engagement for the month of March took us into April with Revival services on March 31-April 3 at Mars Hill Baptist Church near Noxapater, MS. It was good to be with Bro. Tony Linley and the good folks of Mars Hill once again. Bro. Randall Creel was the guest evangelist for the week. It’s always a pleasure to work with Bro. Randall.
On April 7, we were home at our church, Kilmichael Baptist. We invited our dear friend, Jeff Stice, to present a concert at Kilmichael. For those of you who may not know him, Jeff is an incredible pianist. He has played with several gospel groups over the years including, Perfect Heart, Triumphant Quartet, and the Nelons to name a few. Jeff’s talent on the piano is amazing, but his humble spirit is what makes him so special. Our church really enjoyed having him with us that day.
For the rest of April & May we were at our home church, Kilmichael Baptist. During that time, Caris had another follow up doctor’s visit with the neurologist. The doctor scheduled an EEG and MRI to verify if there was anything there that may have caused the two seizures. Praise the Lord both results came back normal. So hopefully, her seizures are in the past.
On June 2-5, we led in worship for the revival services at Providence Baptist Church near Carrollton, MS. Dr. Jim Kelly is the pastor there. This was our first time to be with Bro. Jim but our third or fourth time to be at Providence. Their worship leader, Bro. Don Alderson, invited us to lead worship that week. Dr. Tim Mims from Blue Mountain College was the guest speaker. It is always a joy to hear him preach.
Please continue to pray for us as we continue to seek God’s will for our lives and the ministry with which He has entrusted us. We love you all. God Bless!
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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