February Newsletter
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
February turned out to be another month with only one revival in it, but a good one it was. On February 26 we provided music for the revival at College Hill Baptist Church just outside of Vardaman, MS. The guest speaker for the week was Bro. Todd Chesser from Blythe Creek Baptist Church near Mathiston, MS. Bro. Chance Parish pastored there. This was our second opportunity to minister at College Hill and hope it's not our last. We have always enjoyed a sweet fellowship with the folks there. I do ask that you be in prayer for College Hill Baptist as they begin their search for a new pastor. Bro. Chance excepted a position at another church and has since resigned from College Hill.
We do ask that you also pray for us. We have been having some trouble with our motorhome shifting hard and we're having someone look at it now to see if they can figure out what the problem is. Hopefully it's nothing major. But we do ask that you will be in prayer that, whatever the outcome may be, God will provide for it. We love you and thank you for your continued support of One Way Ministries. Keep your eyes on the Master!
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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