July Newsletter
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
It is so hard to believe that half of the year is gone, and my summer is gone. Where does the time go? The Bible says that our lives are but a vapor that is here today and gone tomorrow. I want my life to count. I want to make a difference. I want to be the salt and light to this very dark world in which we live. I want to live in such a manner that my children will carry a legacy of faith on to the next generations. I fail miserably, but I know that failure is not final with the Father.
The summer has been super busy. We ministered at our home church, Kilmichael Baptist on July 3. Our oldest, Christian went to youth camp, MFuge in Mobile, AL on July 5-9. Chloe went to day camp at Camp Garawya in Clinton on July 6-8. Thank you to Erika and Coty Bennett for taking the youth, and Mrs. Ann Grice for taking the girls.
July 10-13 we ministered in revival services at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church in Bradley, MS. The visiting preacher for the week was Bro. Chance Parish from College Hill in Vardaman, MS. We were there at Bro. Chance’s church back in January. Also, we have known Bro. Chance since he was a young teenager. He and his wife, Tabitha are about to have their first baby. The pastor at Pleasant Ridge is Bro. Mike Sanders.
On July 14-17 our church did our annual Standing in the Gap mission project where we go out in the community and help others in need. Jimmy and Tincey Eldridge were the founders and are the leaders of this community effort. Also, on that Sunday some of the ladies and I threw a surprise 50th wedding anniversary party for Mr. Charles and Mrs. Betty Austin. Their only daughter was killed in a car accident many years ago when she was 16.
Tabernacle Campmeeting near Ethelsville, AL was our next engagement beginning July 23 and going through July 29 for us. The Saturday night service was at 7:30. Beginning Sunday the 24 we did 3 services a day at 10:30, 1:30 and 7:30. We also worked with the youth choir every day at 1:00. This was our fourth campmeeting to be a part of. The speakers for the camp were Bro. Mitch Nethery and Bro. Jim Lavender. The services were held each day at an outdoor tabernacle with sawdust floors. The kids got to do some fun things with the youth like bowling and Slip and Dip which is a water park in Columbus, MS.
Saturday, July 30 we presented a concert at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Calhoun City, MS where Bro. Jonathan Hood preaches. The church was having a summer jubilee with different ministers. Bro. Andy Russell pastor of Martin Baptist Church in New Albany, MS preached after our concert. The Lord moved powerfully during the invitation. One young man gave his heart to the Lord after the service.
Our final engagement for the month was at our home church on July 31.
Pray for us as we continue to minister. Pray for us as we start back to school. We love and appreciate you. May God bless you.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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