Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
It is so hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. This is my favorite time of the year when the cool air comes through and we watch the Lord do His handiwork in changing the colors of the trees. October was a busy month for us in so many different ways.
We began the month in revival on October 1-4 at New Montpelier Baptist Church in Montpelier, MS, where Bro. Jerry King pastors. It was a great week with one profession of faith. Our dear friend Bro. Wayne Hudson, full-time evangelist out of Kosciusko, MS, preached some powerful messages.
On October 15 we were at our church for the morning service for Kilmichael Baptist church's 126th anniversary homecoming. There were several different music specials along with guest speakers and Bro. David closing out the service with a message. We enjoyed a time of fellowship after the morning service.
We then traveled to Aberdeen, MS to join River Bend Baptist church in their revival services through October 18. Bro. Roy McHenry is their pastor. This was our fourth time to be at River Bend and always a pleasure to worship with the people there. Their music minister, Lynn Pigford, invited us to be a part of the revival this year. The guest speaker was Dr. Ronald Meeks from Blue Mountain college. What an incredible preacher. They are currently in a sanctuary renovation so we did the services in their fellowship hall. God moved in a mighty way that week with five professions of faith. Praise His holy name!
A sidenote to the River Bend revival, on October 17 after the revival services that evening the kids asked me if I would play freeze tag with them. So I said sure and then went into the motorhome to change clothes. I came back outside and enjoyed a time of freeze tag with them until trying to avoid being tagged I jumped a rosebush and landed wrong and lost my balance and took a roll on the asphalt on my right shoulder. After popping up from that, I realized my freeze tag game was over. My shoulder was in some pretty good pain. Long story short, I have an ever so slight fracture to my clavicle. The doctor says that it will just have to heal on its own. He did say that hopefully in the next four weeks I should be pain-free. Please continue to pray for me in that matter. Obviously I'm not as young as I used to be. Speaking of which, I did turn the big 5-O on October 23. Becky and the kids totally surprised me with a birthday party on October 28 with several friends from different eras of my life. I can't believe they were able to pull that one over on me. It was such a special day.
Well, we don't have anymore revivals booked for the rest of the year but we are planning to take the kids to the Grand Canyon in November. So please be in prayer with us that we will have a wonderful time together enjoying God's creation. Also pray that we will have safe travels throughout. We are driving the entire trip. God bless you all and thank you so much for your support of One Way Ministries.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
October Newsletter 2017
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